So, I have a handful of websites I check pretty much anytime I feel like wasting time, or basically just not dedicating myself to academia in any way. One of my personal favorites is
www.overheardinnewyork.com, which is a blog of things people literally hear on a daily basis while going to and fro in the huge city. Most of it is hilariously out-of-context, and almost always reminds me of things I hear in the classroom every hour of every day. (On a related note, I'm convinced that "Overheard in the Classroom" is a blog that needs to be started at some point.)
Here's some gold for you:
NY Suit: "Hey, man, you gotta light?"
British Tourist: "Oh, I'm sorry, I don't smoke."
NY Suit: "I asked for a light, not your fucking life story."
Or, if you prefer:
Guy #1: "That fucking redhead bitch. I told you, man - those redheads are all the same."
Guy #2: "Whoa, dude. I know you're upset, but racism is just not cool."
Happy Reading!