Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Life is a Highway?

Man, I want to hate this guy so much. Every time I have seen BSS Kevin Drew has bored me to death with his Kumbaya, neo-hippie, drum circle jerk-off sing-alongs and his tired and trite philosophies on GWB and the war. Yeah we know, he and it both suck. Shut up and play some music. Plus he may or may not be hitting this.

But my god, the dude can write a killer pop song.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

No! No! Too Sexy!!

You cannot tell me that The Vitas does not defy logic. (In reality, I hear he's a castrati. Yup, for real.)

Friday, February 22, 2008

Waste time

Recently, lots of people have been asking me if I would ever consider running for some sort of elected office. Well, the answer is, unequivocally, yes! In fact, I already hold a relatively inconsequential elected position. With this position comes very little power and even less glory. But one day, one day, I would love to be addressed as "Congressman" or "Mayor" or maybe even "Education Secretary". And if I ever did land the post of education secretary, my first measure would be to universally replace the "F". In it's stead, dumb little shit boxes the world over would find the picture posted above. I'm fairly convinced this is one of my better ideas.

Like Brad, I've got a pretty solid arsenal of websites that I like to visit whenever I don't feel like grading papers or being even remotely productive. Generally, this happens between 3 and 5pm every day. These are two of my all time favorites.

Get ready to waste the rest of yer day...

Outsourcing gone awry

The celebrate the 25th anniversary of Thriller, and to demonstrate his cultural fluency, Michael Jackson has released this Indian version of his classic hit. The world is flat indeed.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Contextually Immeasureable

So, I have a handful of websites I check pretty much anytime I feel like wasting time, or basically just not dedicating myself to academia in any way. One of my personal favorites is, which is a blog of things people literally hear on a daily basis while going to and fro in the huge city. Most of it is hilariously out-of-context, and almost always reminds me of things I hear in the classroom every hour of every day. (On a related note, I'm convinced that "Overheard in the Classroom" is a blog that needs to be started at some point.)

Here's some gold for you:
NY Suit: "Hey, man, you gotta light?"
British Tourist: "Oh, I'm sorry, I don't smoke."
NY Suit: "I asked for a light, not your fucking life story."

Or, if you prefer:
Guy #1: "That fucking redhead bitch. I told you, man - those redheads are all the same."
Guy #2: "Whoa, dude. I know you're upset, but racism is just not cool."

Happy Reading!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Dirty lips


it's like having this guy read the internet to you. Just add an address.

Monday, February 11, 2008


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Sunday, February 10, 2008

El Orfanato

Last night we headed to downtown Royal Oak to check out "The Orphanage" at the Main Art Theater. All I knew about this film is that it was produced by Guillermo Del Toro who was responsible for last year's fantastic Pan's Labyrinth. Some consider this film to be a companion piece to Pan's, but I felt that it was far superior and much more emotionally engaging. I have always been a fan of horror movies, especially psychological thrillers like The Thing, Alien, and more recently Sunshine. But never before have I experienced in a theater the sensations of breathlessness, panic, and literally, chills running up and down my spine. Laura said she almost vomited at least eight times from the suspense and alternately had one hand either covering her eyes or blocking her ears. I know many are turned off by foreign films because they often burden the viewer with having to read the translated dialog, but for me it only worked to enhance the mystery of "The Orphanage". I saw this with nine other people last night and later over our Mojitos and Belgian Ales we all agreed that it was hands down one of the scariest movies ever. They are supposedly making an American version of the film which I'm sure will strip it off all of it's tension and suspense and replace those elements with ones of horror and violence and guts ala Hostel and Saw. So go see it now!!!

Monday, February 4, 2008

Les Savy Fav on Conan

Tim Harrington is a disgusting beast. But my god he rocks!

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Making the rounds

Maybe you've heard it by now, but Thom Yorke was on BBC Radio 2 a few weeks back playing Reckoner and Everything In Its Right Place. Listen here.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Lost and Found

On the advice of some of my colleagues, I sat down for the first time last night and watched lost. I started with the hour long re-cap of the entire series which I found to be much more entertaining and engaging than I thought it would be. I have to admit though, I did find the narrator's voice slightly creepy/annoying and pedophilic. It was my plan to watch the recap, and if it hooked me, I would watch the new episode.

Well, I was hooked. The story was much different than I thought. I half expected it to be like a scripted Survivor but it turned out to be much more like Lord of the Fies. The new episode, however, annoyed me in the way the second half of Vanilla Sky annoyed me. It seemed like they were trying too hard to be creative or artsy. Plus, the fat guy doesn't do it for me. I'll probably sit down next week and continue watching it, if only because it is February and there is not much else to do in Michigan this time of year. And I am slightly intrigued by the story. So, here are my final thoughts/questions:

1. If this is the best show on TV, a strong argument can be made for how weak TV shows currently are.

2. I kept looking for a deeper meaning to the character John Locke. Why was he given that name? Does it have anything to do with THE John Locke whose writings served as the basis for the Revolution.

3. Is the island invisible? Was this ever explained?

Art, I need some answers!