Monday, January 28, 2008

Hot Chip

Check out the new Hot Chip track "Ready for the Floor". Even if you aren't a huge fan of electro you've got to appreciate how good these guys are. Kind of like Junior Boys with a sense of humor. If you don't have their old album "The Warning" pick it up now or Hot Chip will snap your neck!

The Eliminator

This is what it meant to be a warrior. These new guys are totally bush!

"I Driiiiink Your Milkshaaaaake!"

So, I was lucky enough to be in Chicago this weekend, one of the relatively few places that is currently showing There Will Be Blood. I knew from the beginning that this movie would be phenomenal, even when all I knew of it was a poster with the title and Daniel Day-Lewis' name, but it defied even my already-high expectations. Daniel Day-Lewis has got to be in the top 5 most amazing actors of all time. Plus, Johnny Greenwood provided an amazing and very original-sounding score, and you just can't go wrong with anybody from Radiohead these days.
Go. Now. Do not hesitate.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

FYI - More About Me

I am master of the Engrish language!

Saturday, January 19, 2008